Tuesday, December 15, 2015

作文6サポート「語り物の節」/6th writing assignment support: narrative paragraphs


How are you? Today you will be working on your 6th writing assignment - your strange, interesting, unique, or funny stories to your partners. But as some extra support for all of you, here's  a little practice for you about narrative paragraph writing (語り物節の書き). 

I saw from my homework check that some of you still have trouble putting parts of a story in the right order. So here is some practice for you if you need it. 

First, I will help you by giving you the background information at the beginning.

Background information
Let me tell you about a time I flew to Hong Kong on a business trip.

Now - which order should these next parts go in? Which parts are they? Which parts are the beginning of the story, the middle, and the end? They are all mixed up. Decide with your partner what the right order should be, and number the order (2 - beginning of story; 3, 4, & 5 - middle of story; 6 - end of story). 

Please remember that there are three (3) parts to the middle of the story!

So when the flight attendant came to take my dinner tray away, I immediately got out of my seat and went to check the noise from the bathroom. No-one seemed to notice the noise, but I could hear it. 

Before dinner was served by the flight attendant, I heard a strange sound coming from the bathroom behind me. I didn't think anything of it while I was eating because it stopped, but it started again after I finished. 

Suddenly a beautiful woman came and put her arm behind her head. She looked at me and said, "you know you can't get him out." After she said that I turned to see the door with the man, but he had stopped. When I saw this I turned to where she had stood, but she was gone. 

After I noticed this, I felt someone shaking my shoulder and hearing "wake up, sir. Wake up, sir." I had been asleep and had been dreaming. I was so glad! But then I looked up to see the flight attendant. She was the same woman who had been in my dream!

I pushed it open and inside was a man's hands up against another, clear door, but with a strong green light behind him. He was beating the door with his hands trying to get out, but he couldn't open it. 

When I got to the door, I could hear that it sounded like a man crying and screaming to get out. I saw a green light coming through the bottom of the door. 

Good luck! Have fun with this!

Image: "Floor with Hand" (courtesy of luigi diamanti)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net 
Answer to activity:

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

作文6/6th writing assignment


How are you? Today I will show you the 6th writing assignment (作文6) - writing about interesting, strange or unique experiences (面白い、不思議、ユニークな経験)! 

Activity 1
Look at these pictures. Can you make the beginning of an interesting, strange or unique story with these pictures? You can put these pictures in any order you like (イメージの順番がなんでもいい). 

But you also have to follow this rule: use at least 6 of the pictures (you can use the picture at the top too) in one (1) paragraph

Activity 2/Homework
Now make your story longer! Write 2-3 more paragraphs to it, with characters and a situation. Use time expressions such as beforeafter, or when in your story.

Have fun!
Photo credits: Top photo - "Sunset Holiday" (courtesy of imagerymajestic)/Roofs - "Hiyama Tatsuno Hyogo Prefecture" (courtesy of 663highland)/ 
Images: Top (train cables) - "Silhouette Of Wires And Cables" (courtesy of papaija2008)/sunset - "Beautiful Sunset" (courtesy of Photokanok)/curtains - "Curtain Black With Texture" (courtesy of antpkr)/wedding - "The Exit" (courtesy of Elwood W. McKay III)/hand silhouettes - "Silhouette Of Man Asking For Help" (courtesy of foto76)/plane - "Take Off At Sunset" (courtesy of Time Beach)/woman - "Asian Model Woman" (courtesy of posterize)/door - "Empty Wall With Closed Door" (courtesy of master isolated images)/tiger - "White Bengal Tiger Face" (courtesy of anankkml)/All photos from FreeDigitalPhotos.net 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

特別ポスト: 隠喩/metaphor


How are you? These are the videos to go with the worksheets for today's special lesson.

Here is the first video - "Blank Space," by Taylor Swift:

Here is the second video - "Torn," by Natalie Imbruglia:

Here is the third video"Clarity," by Zedd featuring Foxes. (I could not upload the video from YouTube directly to this post, so click on this link and go directly to YouTube.) 

So please listen to these, and do the worksheets!

See you next time!

Image: personal photograph. All rights reserved.
Videos uploaded from YouTube. Uploaded for classroom purposes only. I do not own the rights to the videos or the musical compositions. All rights reserved to the copyright holders.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

作文5/5th writing assignment


How are you? Today I will show you the 5th writing assignment (作文5).

You have already done the first part of your writing - selecting one (1) of the pieces of music to write about. Now here is what you do:

If you have written it in your notebooks - please type it up (with correct formatting!)

If you have already typed it up - look it over and check to see if you have correct formatting!

Now here is the next step: 
1. Review all the paragraphs you wrote about each piece of music you listened to. Now do a comparison and contrast (比較対照) with two (2) of the pieces of music, in 1-2 paragraphs. 

Begin with a topic sentence. 

Of all the different pieces of music, I thought the first and fourth ones were the most interesting.

2. From here, compare (比べる) and contrast (対照する) what you thought of the two pieces of music with however and whereas. Write a little about the feeling or image you got from them. You can use things from what you wrote about them before. 

Of all the different pieces of music, I thought the first and fourth ones were the most interesting. Both of these pieces had something unique. (入ってに比べ) The first one had a very moving feeling, and I had the idea that something sad had happened. I saw a older man walking slowly, along a path in a park, and he was thinking about his past life but feeling strongly that he did not have a future. (…)

(入ってに対照し) However, the fourth piece of music was very different. It was like a carnival or circus, where there were many things happening all at once. (…) 

3. Now finish your writing with a concluding sentence (終わり文書). 


Of all the different pieces of music, I thought the first and fourth ones were the most interesting. Both of these pieces had something unique. The first one had a very moving feeling, and I had the idea that something sad had happened. I saw a older man walking slowly, along a path in a park, and he was thinking about his past life but feeling strongly that he did not have a future. (…)

However, the fourth piece of music was very different. It was like a carnival or circus, where there were many things happening all at once. (…) 

(入ってに終わり部分) I liked the first one. However, I liked the fourth one more because it was…, whereas the first one was…

Do this on a separate page, then print out. Now you have finished the 5th writing assignment!  

Good luck! See you next week!

Image: "Pink Lotus" (courtesy of seaskylab)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

音楽を書いている (Part 2)/writing about music (Part 2)


How are you? Here is Part 2 on writing about music.

Here's more on the other two pieces of music I played for you in class. First, here's a video file for the third piece of music I played for you - "Stop,by Al Kooper and Mike Bloomfield:

If you would like to learn more about these artists, click here and here

Now, here's a video file for the last piece of music for you - Frank Zappa's "Little Umbrellas":

If you want to learn more about Frank Zappa, click on this link to read the Wikipedia article (in Japanese) about him.

This may be very different music for you, but I hope you enjoyed these.

See you next time!

Image: "Electric Guitar" (courtesy of dan)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Videos uploaded from YouTube. Videos uploaded strictly for classroom use. I do not own the rights to the musical compositions or videos. All rights reserved to the copyright holder(s). 

音楽を書いてる (Part 1)/writing about music (Part 1)


How are you? Do you remember the four pieces of music I played for you in class? We'll do something more with them now! This is a Part 1 post - Part 2 will follow.

I would like you to go through your paragraphs about those pieces of music, and listen to the first two pieces of music again - and this time to click on some videos of the first two artists whose pieces of music I played. I also have information links you can click on about these artists. 

Would these video images, and reading about these musicians, change your ideas about what you wrote? 

First - below is a video sound file of the first piece of music you heard - Jacques Loussier and his version of J.S. Bach's "Siciliano in G Minor."  

If you want to know more about Jacques Loussier, click here for a Wikipedia article (in Japanese) about him. 

Next - here is the second piece of music you heard - Moondog's "Dog Trot."

Here is a video file of this piece of music:

If you would like to learn more about Moondog, click here for the Wikipedia article (日本語) about him. 

What do you think of these artists? Does seeing the artists' pictures or some image connected to the music, or reading about them on Wikipedia, change your own images of the music? 
Write comments on this blog post about what you think!

Hope you enjoyed listening to them again.

See you next time!

Image: "Old Piano Keyboard" (courtesy of Sura Nualpradid)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

作文4/4th writing assignment


How are you? Today, I will show you the fourth writing assignment (作文4). In it, you have a choice of two scenarios - choose one (1) of them: 

How to describe a problem at a hotel to a friend, with a warning (注意) about the hotel, or how to describe a problem with a parent, brother, sister, friend, or boyfriend or girlfriend to a friend, and ask for advice.       

Scenario #1
You are writing to a friend about your last vacation. Start with a strong topic sentence, like this: 

Let me tell you about my last vacation. It was great, but the hotel I stayed at was terrible. 

From there describe all the problems you had at the hotel - for example, cockroaches on the floor, brown water coming out in the bathroom sink, dirty toilets, and so on. Use because and so in your writing. Describe many really terrible problems. Tell about the bad excuses (詫び) the hotel manager gave you when you complained about the problems. At the end, give a warning (注意) to your friend, like this:

So that is why you should never stay in this hotel. 

Scenario #2
You are writing to a friend about a problem you have had with someone you are close to in your life - a parent (mother or father), brother or sister, friend, or boyfriend or girlfriend. Start with a strong topic sentence, like this:

Let me tell you about my ____________. I really care about him (her), but he (she) is driving me crazy.  

From there describe all the problems you are having with this person - for example, if you are writing about your best friend, maybe you could say something like how he or she has asked you for money, but he or she has never paid you back. Each time you ask your friend about the money, he or she gives bad excuses why he or she cannot pay you back. Use want to, would like to, or have to in your writingAt the end, make a strong conclusion, like this:

So I do not know what to do, but I think I might have to push this person out of my life. 

The deadline (締め切り) is next week (10/21).

Good luck! See you next time!

Images: Top - "Spilled Glass Of Wine On A Carpet" (courtesy of Mister GC)/Bottom - "Young Man Thinking Seriously" (courtesy of pod pad)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

ホテルを書いてる/writing about hotels


How are you? Let's think about, and write some notes, on hotels

What kind of hotel would you like to stay in? Let's look at some pictures of different hotels.

This is the first one - the Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore:


What do you think of this hotel? 

Now this one is very different - an English village house made into a country hotel


What do you think of it? 

How about this one - a motel on the beach:


What do you think of this place? 

What about this one? It's a tropical resort in Thailand:


Would you like to stay here? 

Now - think about all these different hotels and places. Which one would you like to stay in? Write two (2) sentences about the hotel you like. Give some reasons using because

I want to stay in hotel #2 because it is very quiet, and looks comfortable and peaceful. I think I can get some good rest in this hotel. 

Have fun!

Photo credits: 1. "Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore" courtesy of posterize/2. "Typical English Village House" courtesy of Stuart Miles/3. "Motel 
Images: Top - "Hotel Room" (courtesy of Evgeni Diner)/1. "Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore" (courtesy of posterize)/2. "Typical English Village House" (courtesy of Stuart Miles)/3. "Motel on the Beach" (courtesy of Aleksandr Kutsayev)/4. Image "Tropical Resort in Thailand" (courtesy of nuchylee)/All images from FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

おかえりなさい!Welcome back!


How are you? Welcome back to class, and to this blog. This semester we will look at how to write more over these topics:

Explanations, excuses or problems (説明、申し訳、問題)
Music (音楽
Interesting or unusual experiences (面白い、ユニークな経験)

We will also do a final writing project. I'll tell you about that later. 

To any new students - I will be very happy and proud to have you in my classes. Please call me by my first name - Lee! Please ask questions about me on your pre-teaching survey too. 

I'm happy to be back with all of you, and look forward to working with you again this semester. Let's have fun learning more and writing about new topics and themes in English!

See you next time!

Image: "Back To School Text On Back Head" (courtesy of koratmember)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

特別ポスト: Places & Traces


How are you? Here I will make another special post on your writing about places. It's part of another collection of writing I am putting together called Places & Traces - a gathering of writing about places you find interesting, inspiring, or special in some way. 

Many of you wrote about this picture: 

Many of you found this picture interesting and unique. I think it is too! Here's what you wrote about it:

It is a beautiful place, called Sunshine Sea. The sea is blue, clean and broad. The beach seems soft and damp. There are some visitors on the beach and have a great time with friends. They look very happy. On the hand, we can see a boat on the beach, but the boat is broken and old. Maybe there was magical things happened in the boat.

When I see the picture in this blog or the real sea, it makes me broad-mind and relaxed. I think it is a great place to take a short break in the busy life.

That's a nice way to see this place. How about this one? 

A name of beach is Vespucci beach. It has very large sandy beach and it is very beautiful. A large sandy beach is beautiful white and sea is very clear blue. And Vespucci beach is one of the most beautiful places in the world. There is a big drifted thing. It is mysterious. Maybe it is an old and big boat, but people do not what it is, but they think it looks sad. And there are a lot of colorful and rare birds and fish.

People who saw the sights of this beach can enjoy many things. For example, they can walk around the beach, it is good for couple because they can make good mood. Second we can play beach sports, beach volleyball, beach flags and so on. I think it is good for young people. They can play these sports and if they feel hot, they can swim in the sea. They can also see a view, fishing, BBQ, playing with own children and so on. They can make a lot of great memories and they want to go to Vespucci beach again and want their friends to go Vespucci beach too.

Great! Here's another one: 

The beach in Kanagawa loved by many people and everybody calls a “Sunshine beach”. According to the name, the brilliant sun rises in morning and many surfers come here in the day time. There is each memory of many people.

There is the old ship washed up on the beach. Here was a port town before and many fisherman fished. But it was not able to catch the fish suddenly and the ship was leave something alone. Now it becomes the amusement place of children. The beach is valuable place for every people forever.

Now how about this one? 

“Why does the beach have a very big and long rock? When does it drift to the beach? Teach me mom!” My son asked me with his eyes shining. There is the rock in the beach near my house. Some people goes to there with their friends, family, and lovers to play, to enjoy, to take pictures. I know this beach as famous and popular place but I didn’t know about the rock drifted on the land. Because we moved here last year. So I couldn’t answer this question. After I wondered that the moss grow up on the rock. Furthermore, it was put seaside for a long time. I thought. I tried to research soon. Just then, the truth gradually dawned on me.

At first, there was the rock over there, a part of another one. Several years ago, a big tsunami surged and hit. It has the strong power. Then the rock broke down by tsunami, in the end float in the sea, drifted ashore. “Uh, I see.” I could understand the reason. One day, my son asked me the same question again. I answered it with confidence. My son smiled happily and I was too. We were full of joy each other.  

That was a great short story! 

Now, these are your thoughts and feelings about this picture, but what really is this strange, big thing in the picture? Click on this link here to find out. 

These are great examples of your work. I'm very happy and proud to publish them here. I'll be happy to see all of you in September, when we come back from the summer break. 

See you then! 

Images: Sunset - "Beautiful Sunset" (courtesy of Photokanok)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net/Beach - "Arromanches" by Bulo78 - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0, via Wikimedia Commons