Wednesday, May 25, 2016

場所を描写している/describing places


How are you? Let's look at some pictures of places. Look at this picture above of a mountain. What comes to your mind when you see this picture? What do you think of? How do you feel? What images do you get about mountains? 

Look at these pictures of places - the mountain at the top, and the other places below. 

Choose three (3) of these places, and write one (1) short paragraph about each place you chose. (You can choose the mountain as one of your places to write about.) 

What comes to your mind when you see these places? What do you think of? How do you feel? What images do you get? 

Write these short paragraphs in your notebooks. 





Have fun playing with your ideas! 

Take care! See you next week!

Images: Top - personal photograph/River - By Des Colhoun, CC BY-SA 2.0, - By Nc tech3 at the English language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, - By Makemake at the German language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, - By Rife Charie, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -, Public Domain, images except top from Wikimedia Commons/All rights reserved on personal photograph

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

and, butの使うこと/how to use "and" and "but"


How are you? Today let's do an activity on how to use "and" and "but." Here are some sentences:

例えば:He will fly to Hokkaido tomorrow afternoon. His bags are packed and ready.

例えば:He will fly to Hokkaido tomorrow afternoon, and his bags are packed and ready.

例え     I really want to go to Hawaii this summer with my friends. I have no money.

例え     I really want to go to Hawaii this summer with my friends, but I have no money.

Now - work with a partner or a group. Use "and" and "but" in the following sentences:

1. I went on a date. I had a great time. 

2. I try to do my math homework. I fall asleep every time.

3. He enjoyed his piece of chocolate cake. He felt sick later.

4. She likes surfing in summer. She goes to the Shonan area whenever she can.

5. Sarina doesn’t like math. So does Chiho. They both enjoy listening to music.

6. Yuko is taking a writing class. Mina is one of her classmates. They used to sit together. They don’t right now.

7. He was tired and went to bed early. She stayed up. When they got up the next morning at the same time, he was refreshed. She was still sleepy.

8. Marco reads books. Yu reads books too. Marco is interested in reading about history and politics. Yu prefers science fiction.

Have fun! 

Image: Personal photograph. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

作文1/1st writing assignment


How are you? Today let's begin our first writing assignment (作文1) - writing about a gift

You have four (4) choices for writing about this assignment. You could write about:
  • the best gift you ever got
  • the worst gift you ever got
  • a gift you got for someone that became very special to that person
  • a gift that you still have or use to this day
Things to think about when you write:
  • what was it? 
  • who was it for? 
  • was it expensive? 
  • where was the gift bought? 
  • why was it so special - or so terrible? 
Think about all these things. Write 1-2 paragraphs, with 4-5 sentences in each paragraph, about it in your notebooks.  

Good luck! See you next week!

Image: "Magic Box" (personal photo)/All rights reserved