Writing & composition (Part 1): sentence grouping & connecting words/書き、作文: 文書布置、接続語


Welcome to the writing page! Here are some rules about writing in English. I will show you how you can write longer sentences (文書) for paragraphs () by grouping sentences (文書を布置している) with correct spacing (正しい語間) and connecting words (接続語). 

Grouping sentences/文書布置

First, remember that for paragraphs () you are not only writing sentences. You are writing sentences that group and connect together from one topic:

My life at my university is good.
I have made many friends here. 
The classes are hard.
So far I enjoy this school. 

My life at my university is good. I have made many friends here. The classes are hard. So far I enjoy this school. 

Connecting sentences/
Now the most important point - try to connect your sentences to make longer ones with and and butFor example:

My life at my university is good and I have made many friends here. The classes are hardbut so far I enjoy this school. 

Connection word and sentence practice exercise/接続語、文書の練習の例題
Now on a new Word document, change and type these sentences to connect them with and and but

I am busy. I do not have a lot of time. 
I am busy and do not have a lot of time. 

He is old. He is active. He is fun to be with.
He is old, but he is active and fun to be with. 

Now connect these sentences with and & but. Re-type them on a Word document or write in your notebook: 
1. She could not finish her homework before the class this afternoon. She does not care.
2. We have to do a lot of things to get a job. We have to spend money on recruiting suits. 
3. I have to help make dinner. I do not want to do it!
4. I have to clean my room. I have to finish my homework. 
5. They are very fashionable. They drive sports cars too. They are not so smart. 
6. Keiko baked some bread for the party. Anne made a chocolate cake. David did not do anything. 
7. My sister is someone I can talk to. She is there when I need her. She has some problems of her own.

I'll keep adding more to this page as I go along, so keep checking! 

Images: "Line Sheet With Pen" (courtesy of adamr)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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