Thursday, July 3, 2014

Final writing assignment/期末作文


How are you? The picture above is of a fireworks display in Tokyo Bay in the summer of last year. It was a special place and I had a great time! Did you go to a special place last summer? If you did go to a special place - or didn't, but wanted to go to some place - you can write about it in our final writing assignment (期末作文)!

In this blogpost, I'll tell you about our final writing assignment for the spring semester (前学期).

You have two (2) choices about your final writing project. Choose one (1) of them:

1. Write about a unique, interesting, or special person

In this topic, write about a unique, interesting, or special person you know, like a teacher, best friend, coach, or even a family member like a mother, father, brother or sister - or a famous person you think is unique, interesting, or special, like a singer, musician, actor, athlete, or a writer or artist.

I am gathering writing on this topic into a book called The Small Book of Big People. I started this last year with my students then, and I put examples of their work onto this blog. You can check them out at this link, and also at this link too.

2. Write about a unique, interesting, or special place

In this topic, write about a unique, interesting, or special place. It can be a place you have been to and that has had a big impact on you - or it can be a place you have never been to, but want to go to. 

I am gathering writing on this topic into a book called Places and Traces. This is a new book I have never done before. For this project, you can:

Use the pictures from this blog that I posted on May 20th (5/20) about places, or find your own picture and write about it.

You can use the place that you wrote about when writing about places, and make your writing about it bigger and longer.

How much do you write? I would like you to write as much as you can, because your work may be published (出版した) on both this blog and in The Small Book of Big People and Places and Traces books I talked about in class. 

I would like to see maybe one long paragraph with 9-12 sentences in it, or two (2) paragraphs with 6 to 9 sentences in them. 

I want you to write a first draft (下書き) by next week (7/9) in your notebooks in pencil. I would like to look at it, and talk with you about it. I can give you comments, hints, and advice about it.

Then, after I have looked at it, I want you to write it as a Word file and send it to me as a file attachment (添付ファイル) to an email. 


I want your file correctly formatted, with a short message in your email, also correctly formatted. Please check the blogpost about formatting your Word file here. 

Good luck with this! I hope you can have fun with this, and enjoy writing about a person or a place.

Images: Tokyo Bay Fireworks (personal image)/Old man: "Old African Man" (courtesy of africa)/