Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Describing a problem/問題を書き表している


How are you? Today let's learn about how to describe a problem (問題を書き表している). 

Do you remember from last week our pictures of the different hotels? Here they are again:





Last week, you thought of some problems that could happen in a hotel room (such as broken windows, no hot water in the shower, and things like that). Your goal now is to write 1-2 paragraphs about problems that happen in the hotel room you selected. 

You are writing to a friend about the hotel you stayed in on a summer vacation. Start with a strong topic sentence, like this:

例えば 1:
Let me tell you about my last vacation. It was great, but the hotel I stayed at was terrible.

From there, write about all the problems you can think of that happened in the hotel room you stayed at.

例えば 2:
Let me tell you about my last vacation. It was great, but the hotel I stayed at was terrible. I was very excited to stay there, but when I went to the room, I was shocked. The bed was not made and the sheets were dirty, there were wine stains on the carpet, and cockroaches were everywhere. (…)

From there, write more problems you found in the room.  You can also then write about other problems, like bad hotel staff, or bad food. 

At the end, make a warning (注意) to your friend about the hotel using "so."

例えば 3:
Let me tell you about my last vacation. It was great, but the hotel I stayed at was terrible. I was very excited to stay there, but when I went to the room, I was shocked. The bed was not made and the sheets were dirty, there were wine stains on the carpet, and cockroaches were everywhere. (…)

(…) So let me tell you to please never stay in this hotel. It is an awful place with dirty rooms, terrible staff, and bad food. 

Have fun writing this! See you next time!

Images: Top photo - "Spilled Glass Of Wine On A Carpet" (courtesy of Mister GC)/1. "Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore" (courtesy of posterize)/2. "Typical English Village House" (courtesy of Stuart Miles)/3. "Motel on the Beach" (courtesy of Aleksandr Kutsayev)/4. "Tropical Resort in Thailand" (courtesy of nuchylee)/All images from FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Writing about hotels/ホテルを書いてる


How are you? Let's think about, and write some notes, on hotels

What kind of hotel would you like to stay in? Let's look at some pictures of different hotels.

1. This is the first one - the Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore:


What do you think of this hotel? 

2. This one is very different - an English village house made into a country hotel


What do you think of it? 

3. How about this one - a motel on the beach:


What do you think of this place? 

4. What about this one? It's a tropical resort in Thailand:


Would you like to stay here? 

Now - think about all these different hotels and places. Which one would you like to stay in? Write two (2) sentences about the hotel you like. Give some reasons using because~

I want to stay in hotel #2 because it is very quiet, and looks comfortable and peaceful. I think I can get good rest in this hotel. 

Have fun!

Photo credits: 1. "Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore" courtesy of posterize/2. "Typical English Village House" courtesy of Stuart Miles/3. "Motel 
Images: Top - "Hotel Room" (courtesy of Evgeni Diner)/1. "Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore" (courtesy of posterize)/2. "Typical English Village House" (courtesy of Stuart Miles)/3. "Motel on the Beach" (courtesy of Aleksandr Kutsayev)/4. Image "Tropical Resort in Thailand" (courtesy of nuchylee)/All images from FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Hello to all my Daito Bunka writing students,

How are you? Welcome back to class, and to this blog. This semester we will look at how to write more over these topics:

Explanations, excuses or problems (説明、申し訳、問題)
Interesting or unusual experiences (面白い、ユニークな経験)
Movies, TV programs, or music (映画、テレビ番組、音楽

We will also do a final writing project with a topic of your choice. I'll tell you about that later.  

I have also made a list of pages on the side of the blog. On it, you will find hints and tips about grammar and vocabulary. You can check these at any time, and can help you with your writing. 

vocabulary (ヴォキャブラーリ), and writing (書き). I plan to make more pages when I can. 

I have also made another page of student writing. On it are two groups of writing by my Writing 1A & B students last year - The Small Book of Big People (in Parts 1 & 2) and Words on Music (in Parts 1 & 2). Check them out! 

I will add more about grammar, vocabulary and writing as I go along, so keep checking!  

I'm happy to be back with all of you, and look forward to working with you again this semester. 

Let's have fun learning more and writing about new topics and themes in English!

See you next time!

Image: "Back To School Text On Back Head" (courtesy of koratmember)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net