Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Reading English 1A: Spring semester final presentations・前期期末プレゼンテーション


How are you! Today here is the post about our final presentations

While I have already given all of you the handout about the final presentations, I will post it here as well as another way to help remind you about what you can do for this project.

Look at the picture above. It's an example of one of the topics you can present about from our reading on "A City Without Oil." The picture is a model of an energy-efficient house - a house where all the power used comes from renewable energy sources. (In Japanese, energy efficiency is エネルギー効率). 

Here are all the topics, deadline, and guidelines for our spring semester mid-term presentations.

You have a choice of topics to present on. Choose one (1) of these: 
  • Greetings customs and gestures from another country
  • Designs of houses for energy efficiency
  • A Nasreddin story 
For this presentation, you can design a small poster or make a Power Point show. 

If you design a poster, I would like you to follow these guidelines:
  • It has to be on A3 size paper
  • You have to have 4-5 pictures on it (hand-drawn or photos, or a mix)
  • It has to be colorful and interesting to look at 
If you make a Power Point show, I would like you to follow these guidelines

  • You have to have a title slide - then 5-7 slides with pictures and text on it - then a closing slide
  • It has to be colorful and interesting to look at
  • Bring your own computer! 
Deadline (締め切り
We will do these presentations on July 18th (7/18), so you have three (3) weeks to work on these.

Next week (7/4), please have a topic idea to show me and we will make some time to do some work in class on the presentations. I would like to see your work and give you some advice on what you can do to make the best presentations you can. Please be ready on 7/18! 

Good luck! I look forward to our presentation day!

Image: By Destination8infinity - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=21656061

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